Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Destruction of street trees

We reported the first incident in May when one of our part-funded trees was snapped in two in Tyrwhitt Road (see http://brockleystreettrees.blogspot.co.uk/2013/05/vandalism-help-please.html).

Now we are in the disheartening position of having to report the destruction of a further two trees: one of the two rowans planted at the pedestrian crossing at Brockley Cross, the other, a part-funded street tree on Wickham Road, both destroyed within a few days of each other this past seven days. 

It is hard to understand why people feel the impulse to take out these trees - presumably they are the worse for alcohol at the time - but perhaps not - in which case it's even more incomprehensible. 

Lewisham Council have assured us that all three trees will be replanted in the autumn - they were insured. Cages will also be fitted retrospectively in an attempt to deter further vandalism. 

Anyone with information about the perpetrators should contact the police on 101 or contact the Brockley Safer Neighbourhood Police on 020 8284 8558

Photo courtesy of
Brockley Central/Monkeyboy


  1. It is very sad to see the destruction. I hope that it does not deter you from your good work. I really enjoyed hearing about it at the Brockley Society meeting this week. Thank you.

    1. Dear Just a Word,

      Thank you for your encouragement. It really is appreciated.

      Brockley Society Tree Wardens


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